via models.com
Anna de Rijk is with DNA (NY) & Viva (Paris) & Paparazzi (Netherlands)
source: models.com
the Interview
PONY RYDER: Anna, you won a modeling contest on a Dutch television station. What show was it?
ANNA DE RIJK: It was a co-operation between a celebrity magazine, TMF (Dutch music channel), L’Oreal and Paparazzi (my mother agency).
PONY RYDER: Has that affected your career?
ANNA DE RIJK: It was good to get a bit of a start in Holland, but it didn’t mean anything internationally. Also I was still in school back then and just wanted to finish first.
Burberry Prorsum SS10 via TFS by John Black
PONY RYDER: You reached stardom this year! What lead you to your success, was there a specific point in your career that made all the difference?
ANNA DE RIJK: Haha yes, this year everything has been different. It started with shows in London. Russel Marsh scouted me for a lot of his shows. I think he’s really to blame for it all. Because doing well in London I also did good in the cities after and of course doing Prada and Miu Miu was a big boost.
viva site via TFS by castingcrowns
PONY RYDER: What do you think that the new girls have to be aware of?
ANNA DE RIJK: Well, I think they should maybe make sure they don’t get walked over. To listen to yourself and know what is enough. You have to stand strong.
PONY RYDER:A cool personality is just as important as good looks in this business, if not more. Has your personality changed since you started?
ANNA DE RIJK: haha I hope not.. Would be strange to have a different personality all of a sudden. I do think I’ve changed but more in the sense of growing up and knowing who I am.
Steven Meisel for Prada
PONY RYDER: Can you tell us about the day that you found out that you got the Prada campaign? Who told you the news?
ANNA DE RIJK: I think it was my Dutch booker from my mother agency. I was just having lunch at Wholefoods. I didn’t scream or anything. But I was really happy. I had sort of a inner explosion haha
PONY RYDER: How do you get along with other girls from the campaign? Did you meet all of them on the day of the shoot, or have you met them before?
ANNA DE RIJK: I knew all of them before, except Julia. All of them are really nice.
Steven Meisel for Prada
Jimmy Backius for fashionrouge.com
Steven Meisel for Vogue Italia
CLICK FOR: Dorothea Barth Jorgensen Interview
PONY RYDER: What eyewear brand are you wearing right now?
ANNA DE RIJK: My glasses are from Urban Outfitters
Prada S/S 10 Milan via TFS by Nils
Backstage @RichardChai SS10 via TFS by bones
PONY RYDER: Are castings for couture different than castings for ready to wear?
My booker called me „the English country girl“.. It was a brownish flower dress with flat green laced boots. Not exactly a couture casting outfit. It didn’t matter much in the end. I’m very happy with the shows I did.
mikas via TFS by meeks
PONY RYDER: When you have castings all day, do you manage to eat at all?
ANNA DE RIJK: Yes, always. If there is no time I just run into a supermarket and get supplies to eat in the car. I love nuts and dried fruit as an easy snack.Jimmy Backius for fashionrouge.com
ANNA DE RIJK: Chanel. It was my first and it was very beautiful. It was a bit like „ah yes, this is what I would think a show would be like without ever doing one“. Very glamorous, super beautiful clothes and care to the whole show.
PONY RYDER: Did you take a sneak peek on who was sitting in the front row? Who did you see?
ANNA DE RIJK: No one I knew. It’s probably better…
Givenchy S/S 10 Paris via TFS by NILS
PONY RYDER: Did you discover any good places to eat in Paris?
ANNA DE RIJK: I eat a lot at Livingstone in Rue Saint Honore. It’s Thai food, but very very good Thai food. I really don’t like French cuisine. I find it boring and greasy.
PONY RYDER: The Best Café In Paris?
ANNA DE RIJK: Café Holland
Allure Spa 2009 ph. Regan Cameron via TFS
PONY RYDER: What products do you use for nourishing your body?
ANNA DE RIJK: Bodylotion from Nivea
Jimmy Backius for fashionrouge.com
PONY RYDER: Do you ever stop at Fast Food restaurants?
Vogue Hellas via TFS by Mr-Dale
ANNA DE RIJK: I clean every morning and evening and take masks (from Lush) sometimes.
PONY RYDER: What moisturizer is your favorite?
ANNA DE RIJK: Kiehls, ultra facial moisturizer
Dolce & Gabbana S/S 2010 via TFS by sleepingbeauty13
ANNA DE RIJK: I have L’oreal at the moment but I think YSL or Chanel are better
PONY RYDER: Your choice of make up remover…
PONY RYDER: What make-up do you always wear?
ANNA DE RIJK: Chanel mascara and eyeshadow.
Phillip Lim 3.1 S/S 10 New York via TFS by Nils
PONY RYDER: Which magazine is in your bag?
ANNA DE RIJK: Acne Paper.
Burberry S/S 10 London via TFS by Nils