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MAY GIL: the body talk


May Gil is with Women Milan & MD management Hamburg.

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PONY RYDER: May you have an amazing body! How do you maintain it?
MAY GIL: I have dogs. I walk each day 3-4 hours in the forest. That’s enough then… But I do love doing Yoga.

PONY RYDER: How do you motivate yourself for working out?

MAY GIL: Oh, not me, the dogs do. Each morning they have so much energy and they need to run so that energy kind of flows into me and I’m motivated 🙂


PONY RYDER: Do you pay attention to what you eat?
MAY GIL: No, not really… I eat when I feel like eating and exactly what I feel like. If you push yourself to not to eat any special type of food you want, you will be starving for it. Our body tells us naturally what we need.

PONY RYDER: So what do you eat… what type of food is your favorite?

MAY GIL: I absolutely love Italian and Lebanese food. Especially from the restaurants where I often go.

PONY RYDER: What does your breakfast look like?
MAY GIL: Always different. Sometimes eggs then another day porridge with honey and apples and then again another day a croissant. My advice for everybody: Eat breakfast, people!!! It is so important to keep the whole body going.

PONY RYDER: What is your favorite yogurt flavor?
MAY GIL: I love vanilla. And my favorite one, I always find in an organic store.

PONY RYDER: Kinder Bueno or Schoko Bons? You do eat sweets, don’t you?

MAY GIL: Can I choose both???? 😉 hihi… Sure, I definitely eat sweets. Not the whole bag, but each day.

icm via TFS mariemaud

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