EVE SALVAIL: I am not a model anymore.
PONY RYDER: At what age did you start modeling?
EVE SALVAIL: At the age of 18.
PONY RYDER: Who’s career (of your former colleague models) do you admire the most?
EVE SALVAIL: I admire the chameleons … those who can reinvent themselves, like Linda Evangelista.
EVE SALVAIL: The project I am currently involved in cannot be disclosed yet, but (hint hint) it is music related.
PONY RYDER: Have you ever done a soundtrack for a fashion show & how important is the music on fashion shows?
EVE SALVAIL: I have done many Soundtracks for Fashion Shows. As a model I always felt the music dictates the mood of the show and being a Deejay I not only understand what the model feels but I also help the designer interpret his or her vision and inspiration for the Collection.
PONY RYDER: We’re sure you’ve answered this question too many times already, but the younger generations may not remember the story – what is the story behind your famous dragon tattoo?
EVE SALVAIL: I wanted to shave my head and quit modeling. My dad dared me to take it on step further. The dragon came from an 800 years old Chinese artifact. I stayed true to the original design and dimensions.
PONY RYDER: Has your unconventional look been limiting in the past?
EVE SALVAIL: I think limited is a state of mind!
EVE SALVAIL: It happened instantly after being invited by Jean Paul Gaultier.
PONY RYDER: The models were closer to celebrity status than they are nowadays. Why has that changed, in your opinion?
EVE SALVAIL: I do not know why, but I do miss the diva days!
EVE SALVAIL: I was not there to change my life! I came out in the hopes to help others!
PONY RYDER: Have you ever experienced and discrimination in the fashion world?
EVE SALVAIL: None that I’m aware of.
PONY RYDER: What is the treatment of LGTB people like in the music industry?
EVE SALVAIL: Your sexuality should not affect your creativity.
EVE SALVAIL: I am blessed with a fast metabolism. Although I eat very healthy and drink a lot of water.
PONY RYDER: Tell us everything about cosmetics you are using at this moment!
EVE SALVAIL: I use chemical free, organic products.
PONY RYDER: What brand of make up do you prefer?
EVE SALVAIL: Mac cosmetics.
PONY RYDER: And finally Eve, being one of 90’s icons, what would you recommend to new models? And what would you recommend to someone starting out as a DJ?
EVE SALVAIL: To both; Follow you heart, practice and stay focused!
Interview with 90′ Supermodel Eve Salvail is original work by Pony Ryder.