Velvet june 2009
the striking slavic
Lyoka Tyagnereva is with ONE NY & Nathalie Paris.

The Blondes
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: I always like their outfits and shows – it’s always quite an experience! Very sexy, beautiful and very well done. And it happens that I always get the corset. π It was my dream before to try on a real corset and it came true on the first fitting for Blondes.
PONY RYDER: Do you own over the knee boots?
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: No, I don’t have any over knees.
PONY RYDER: Do you like that trend?
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: I don’t like them. I like shoes!
PONY RYDER: And what runway look do you like?
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: I like to be different. Just not too excited when I look like a freak but it almost doesn’t happen.

Chad Pitman for Hereve Leger 2010
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: Oh! The white one with a triangle on the belly and wide shoulder straps.

Ph. Adrian Nina
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: Well, I fell in love with John Frieda shampoo and conditioner after I got it from the show. Tried it and loved it. π And using it from now on.
Also I use the Body Shop grapeseed glossing serum and amlika leave-in conditioner also from them. This stuff together makes your hair soft and nice and easy to brush!

Ph. Adrian Nina
So, first of all I wash my face with Tea TreΡ face wash from Body Shop, then if I have some hardcore make-up which doesn’t go with this, like mascara, Crealine H2O Bioderma – the best make up remover.
Then I clean with cotton and Tea Tree skin clearing toner, followed by Tea Tree oil blemish fade night lotion, both Body Shop. Russian eye cream with cranberry and bilberry.
If it’s after the show and you couldn’t get some Bioderma from make-up artist, so some non-alcoholic wipes followed by a light cream with natural extracts. I use a cream with cucumber, also from Russia.
And the last thing – after washing the face in the morning – Effaclar K by La Roche-Posay + Aveeno thermal water spray anytime you need. Especially in the plane – always have a travel size of it.

Ph. Adrian Nina
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: Mac foundation!!!
PONY RYDER: Did you try any good make up product lately?
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: I like Maybeleen mascaras.
PONY RYDER: We don’t even need to ask for make up remover, do we, lol?
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: Crealine H20, Bioderma.

Ph. Adrian Nina
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: Really depends, cause if I get bored of something, I change it. Lately, with my boyfriend, we have some cereals with milk or some waffles with maple syrup. But when it’s fashion week, it could be anything – a banana, yogurt, sandwich from the show, depending on how early you need to wake up. π
PONY RYDER: What is your favorite food?
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: Macaronu with fried mushrooms!
PONY RYDER: How do you like your mushrooms?
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: Mushroom soup or fried.
PONY RYDER: What is your favorite smoothie flavor?
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: Mango with those funny jelly things from Chinatown.
PONY RYDER: Where was the best model apartment you’ve ever stayed in?
PONY RYDER: Do you wear gloves when you are washing the dishes?
PONY RYDER: Do you always have a βmidnightβ yogurt?
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: Noo. It’s just when you’re doing a lot of castings you don’t quite have time to eat, so your lunch turns to an early dinner. So by night you kinda getting hungry again. But it’s not good to eat late, and some cultured milk product is good to have before going to bed, some yogurt or kefir is great to kill your hunger before you fall asleep.
PONY RYDER: Which yogurt flavor do you prefer?
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: Peach and maracuya, pineapple…

Ph. Luke Duval
PONY RYDER: Advices Lyoka, advices!
LYOKA TYAGNEREVA: About advice… Well, when you walk, think that you’re the best and all these people around you postpone their businesses to come and look at you!!