Prada F/W 10 via TFS (soymilkfreak)
the prada opener
Samantha Gradoville is with IMG worlwide.
Ph David Bellemere via TFS
PONY RYDER: Samantha, ammm, how would you describe your style?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I would describe my style as a sort of hippie/rocker. I really just like being comfortable and wearing what ever I feel like at the time. I don’t wear heels any longer than I have too. And I tend to wear a lot of black. I always end up buying things in black, just because I know it will go with everything else in my closet, its a terrible cycle, I know.
Ph David Bellemere via TFS
PONY RYDER: Where do you shop for your clothes?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I love vintage shops! I hate it when I see someone wearing the same thing as me!! Buying clothes from a vintage store guarantees that that will never happen. And plus I actually like searching around the store for that really cool find. Other than that I also like shopping at Zara, Top Shop, H&M, American Apparel..
fashion does it better blog
PONY RYDER: What brand of high heels that you own is your favorite but is also the most comfortable?SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: That would be my new Miu Miu’s!! They are a bunch of studded lines and swirls and for being so tall, they are extremely comfortable. I wear them all the time.
PONY RYDER: What eyewear brand are you wearing most often?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: My boyfriend just got me these beautiful gold Oakley sunglasses, and I love them. They make the grass the greener, the sky look bluer..and everything is so crisp and clear, it’s awesome!!
NEXT modelwire via TFS (CharlottefromCA)
PONY RYDER: Do you do any sports or do you stay in shape simply with a healthy diet?SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I used to do a lot of sports: volleyball, swimming, basketball, softball, track.. I don’t really have the time or the means to go about playing them all again.
But to stay in shape I try to simply watch what I eat and get enough sleep at night. I get my exercise from running around to my castings daily. But I’ll also sometimes go for long walks if I have the time. It a great way to see the city.
PONY RYDER: When you first started modeling, did you have perfect measurements?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I have always been naturally thin and tall (thanks mom and dad!!) but as I got older, I got a little bit more shape to my body and now I know I can’t eat anything and everything, like I used to.
NEXT modelwire via TFS (CharlottefromCA)
PONY RYDER: Tell us about your favorite body products…?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I always wash my face at night and I use a scrub about every other night. I mositurize my face every morning before I do anything else. It makes me feel more awake and I use body lotion on certain dry spots, like my knees and elbows. I really like the St. Ives Apricot Scrub, and this exfoliating treatment a friend gave me called ExfoliKate by Kate Somerville.
PONY RYDER: What do you eat for breakfast?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: It really depends from day to day. Usually just a bowl of cereal and some milk. Or, if Im working that day, whatever they feed us on set.
Staying in New York, I am actually really getting into bagels right now. So sometimes I’ll treat myself to a toasted cinnamon raisen with cream cheese with some orange juice.
PONY RYDER: What’s your favorite fast food restaurant?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: My favorite fast food place would have to be Taco Bell. I have loved that place ever since I can remember. And since I’m vegetarian, not many fast food restaurants have no-meat options, but with Taco Bell, I just substitute beans for the beef or chicken, and voila! Amazing
PONY RYDER: Your favorite Juice?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I love just your typical Jamba Juice. I really love any of their smoothies, they all taste amazing. I also like the little boosts you can add to your smoothie too, like extra protein for vegetarians, or a vitamin C boost is your feeling a bit sick.
PONY RYDER: How do you maintain yours skin?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I have to thank my parents for giving me some great genes, because my makeup and skincare routine are very minimal. I always moisturize in the morning with Dove Moisture Facial Lotion.
I use mineral powder makeup instead of foundation. It allows your skin to breathe more during the day, and it looks more natural as well.
At night I make sure I wash my face. I usually use Clean and Clear Morning Burst. I know it says you’re supposed to use it in the morning, but I actually prefer to use it before I go to bed.
Every other day I use a face scrub to feel a bit refreshed. And in the summer I use a toner as well, in the winter my faces is already so dry from the weather I don’t need it.
PONY RYDER: Dove moisturizer is your favorite?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I really like Dove Moisture. It moisturizes my skin without leaving it really oily and sticky, I hate that.. And every store seems to carry it too, so whenever I run out it’s not a problem.
PONY RYDER: Switching from summer to winter is stressful for skin. Do you change moisturizers at that time?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I usually try to use a moisturizer with a little bit of SPF in the summer, even if I don’t plan on being outside for a long period of time, its still a nice and easy way to protect your skin. In the winter, I use a bit stronger moisturizer, especially in New York! It gets so cold and windy.
PONY RYDER: What make up remover do you use?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I generally use those make up wipes, any brand of them works for me. My skin isn’t overly sensitive so it doesn’t really matter. I usually try to get most of the makeup off with the wipes and then I’ll wash my face with a cleanser, put toner on, and maybe later some moisturizer if my skin feels too dry.
Ph David Bellemere via TFS
PONY RYDER: What is inside your make up bag?
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I always put on mascara and chap stick, especially in the winter, my lips get so dry!! In my make up bag I have mineral powder, some cover up, blush, clear mascara, some eyeliner, black eye shadow, and black mascara. Just the essentials really..
PONY RYDER: And you don’t use foundation…
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: I actually don’t wear foundation. For me, it’s too heavy to wear every day. I use a mineral makeup powder; it adds a little coverage without being too much. When I have a day off of working the last thing I want to do is coat my skin with more foundation!!
PONY RYDER: The best advice that make up artist gave you is…
SAMANTHA GRADOVILLE: Drink more water!! I recently had a makeup artist tell me she could tell I was thirsty at the end of my shoot simply because of the way the makeup was laying on my face.
She said it was easy to tell the difference between the beginning of the shoot, and afterwards. I hadn’t been drinking much and my skin had gotten dehydrated.
She also told me that during the winter, you should start drinking more water to avoid your lips from getting chapped.
Ph David Bellemere via TFS
Interview with Samantha Gradoville is original work by Pony Ryder.