JD Ferguson
When u meet Carlos you dont say anything, but you think WOW! Paz, Amor e muita Positividade people, it’s time for Carlos!
Carlos Freire is with Major NY, Urban (Milano), Vision(LA), 40Graus Models-mother agency (Brazil).
Rick Day via Made in Brazil
CARLOS FREIRE : Close to finishing my university, I started to do some modeling jobs in my town and the northeast of Brazil, then when I finished my studies I went to live in Rio de Janeiro and really began to focus on the modeling career..
Vision LA
CARLOS FREIRE : Yes, I took some time to think about it… I was almost finished with my studies, and was already working, but sometimes I was thinking it was so boring to me, because in the area of computer stuff you spend all of your your time in a room in front of a computer, then I thought I’d try something different.
PONY RYDER: Tell us more about Brazil and what you like the most about living there.
CARLOS FREIRE : Brazil is amazing, it’s a big country, 26 states, each one with its culture, its customs. One of the most beautiful places is the coast area, with many amazing and different beaches.
Carlos for Ralph Lauren
CARLOS FREIRE : My family is cool, they support me in what I decide to do, they trust me, I am very grateful for that. The only problem is the distance, sometimes I miss them.
CARLOS FREIRE : I have one beautiful sister, her name is Luanna, older than me, she’s 28. But she’s not a model, she is a doctor.
Vision LA
CARLOS FREIRE : In fact I don’t really know, my surname (Theorga) came from Portugal, but my parents are Brazilians, my grandparents also… the Brazilian people are very mixed, it is usually hard to know your exact ethnic origin.
Carlos for Roberto Cavalli by Michael Roberts
PONY RYDER: What kind of jobs would you like to do in the future?
CARLOS FREIRE: There are many kinds of jobs that I’d like to do in the future, a lot of big brands also. I’d like do jeans and I would like to do fragrance one day, never did before.
Vision LA
CARLOS FREIRE : I don’t have a favorite market yet, all the countries that I’ve already been to were good and also I haven’t been to Europe yet, maybe I will go this year. A lot of places that I want to visit in future, I just started my journey.
Runway Blue Man
CARLOS FREIRE : First because the mixture of races, we have great variety of looks, and second – Brazilian models are usually positive persons, good energy… always happy. I think that contributes to the success.
PONY RYDER: You have an amazing body and you’re in great shape! Do you feel relaxed posing in underwear and swimwear?
CARLOS FREIRE : Yes, I am relaxed, it’s normal, when you work with good professionals it is easy and fast, it’s the same to any other job.
PONY RYDER: How do you prepare for these photoshoots?
CARLOS FREIRE: To be prepared I just take care of my body a bit more a couple of days before the shoot.
Rick Day via Made in Brazil
PONY RYDER: Tell us something about your workout routine. How often do you lift weights?
CARLOS FREIRE : My routine is very simple, I work out every day an hour at the gym with weights, but also I’m frequently doing different sports.
Junior mag by Didio via Made in Brazil
CARLOS FREIRE : No, I don’t have different periods. When I was younger, I was an active child, always doing some sport, I did swimming, judo, soccer and living in the beach, so I always had an athletic body, but skinny. Then when I was 15 I started working out to get more muscle mass. So, until now I tried to keep my body always like that, strong and athletic. So it’s good for everything, my job, health and to do any sport.
CARLOS FREIRE : No, I don’t have a special cadio routine, but I love to ride the bike and run. Here in New York I already went to several different places by bike, all bridges and parks, it’s really nice.
Carlos for Malvin Mhedrik
CARLOS FREIRE : Yes, I try spending my summers in my city João Pessoa, with family and friends. My family is huge and we have a summer house in a paradise beach that everybody goes to, uncles, cousins… All the time on the beach I’m diving, playing soccer, boarding…. I always had a lot of fun over there.
CARLOS FREIRE : Many, like I said, the Brazilian coast is amazing. But I love one, I have a lot of history there, called PIPA, 2 hours by car from my city.
Tetu mag
CARLOS FREIRE : Maybe my city doesn’t have many favelas, but Rio has a lot and the things are still bad… we have a lot of political corruption in Brazil as well, and with that it is difficult to fix things.
CARLOS FREIRE : Many different places. But I am not a great fan of clubs, I prefer to go to some music concert (we have really nice bands and different style of music in Brazil – Reggae, Rock). Hanging out with friends at the beach, go to some trip…
Ph. Michael Roberts
CARLOS FREIRE : The energy.
CARLOS FREIRE : We have a lot of beautiful top models, it’s hard…we have Isabeli Fontana, Adriana Lima, Giselle, Ana Claudia Michels… they are different beauties, I cannot pick only one.
Urban model mgmt
PONY RYDER: Favorite place to eat?
CARLOS FREIRE : Home! I can cook, so I love my own food, I’m a very creative cook, I’m always preparing exotic plates.
CARLOS FREIRE : Brazilian Barbecue
Rick Day via Made in Brazil
PONY RYDER: And finally, tell us something in Portuguese, for Pony Ryder!
CARLOS FREIRE : Paz, Amor e muita Positividade!
Mario testino for Vanity Fair
Paz, Amor e muita Positividade!
Exclusive interview with fashion model Carlos Freire is original work by Pony Ryder.