Steven Meisel for Vogue Italia
the TOP
Iris Strubegger is with Place model management & Supreme (NY).
PONY RYDER: You had a comeback, after you finished school. Do you think it influenced your career, did you have to prove yourself all over again…
IRIS STRUBEGGER: For me the biggest difference after my comeback is that I already know how the business works – I am not brand new anymore. I also don’t have to think about both, modeling and school, which is pretty hard to combine. This way I can concentrate on modeling which helped my career a lot as I don’t have to say no to jobs anymore because of school.
PONY RYDER: By your opinion, what made you stand out as a new model?
IRIS STRUBEGGER: To stand out as a model is pretty hard as there are thousands and thousands of them. I always try to be myself. I am nice and polite to everybody. Around me I see girls change a lot. Most of the time its very young girls who don’t know how to deal with all the attention they get. For me it is important to stay the way I am and be thankful about everything as my career can end tomorrow or in 1 month. You never know.
PONY RYDER: You shot covers and editorials with some of the biggest names in the industry!! Steven Meisel! Mert and Marcus!!! Tell us more about the shoots!
IRIS STRUBEGGER: Of course it’s extremely exciting to work with all these amazing people! I have to confess that I was nervous when I worked with Steven Meisel, Mert and Marcus and David Sims the first time. But then you learn very fast the way they like to work and you can adjust your work to them and bring in yourself the best way.
PONY RYDER: How do you pose, what is your style in posing? You also did nude shots, what is the trick to pose nude, and still make it look tasteful?IRIS STRUBEGGER: I always tense my muscles and stretch my whole body to accentuate the shape of my body. Generally it is very important that the pose feels good and natural for myself otherwise it looks weird on the picture.
That’s effective for both, nude and with clothes. When you feel elegant and beautiful you are elegant and beautiful on the picture.
PONY RYDER: Did you learn to pose and walk the runway by yourself, or did you have a tutor?
IRIS STRUBEGGER: When I first started Yannis and Jan Eric gave me a lot of good advices for posing that helped a lot. So yes, they are my tutors. They will always be.
But otherwise I learned posing at all the test shootings I did in the beginning of my career. I learned the runway walk backstage at my very first show. I just tried and tried over and over again until it finally worked.
PONY RYDER: Now when you are a superstar, do you get different treatment in the industry?
IRIS STRUBEGGER: I would not say it’s a “different treatment”. But it makes it a little bit easier to know the people already you are working with. It makes me more confident when I have been working with somebody before, so I know his way to work and what is expected from me.
PONY RYDER: You had a very successful season, and you are the IT girl…so my question is: Do you get booked directly, or do you run from one casting to the other?
IRIS STRUBEGGER: I both get booked directly and have to go to castings. The best way to present yourself at a casting is to feel confident and not be shy.
PONY RYDER: When it comes to huge shoots like Vogue Italia and Vogue Paris, what’s the difference between being the only girl in the shoot, and shooting with other models, in group shots?
IRIS STRUBEGGER: The big difference is that you can interact with other models when you do group shots. Which is sometimes easier as it looks more natural at the picture. On the other hand you also have to adjust your own style to the others and might not be able express yourself that much.
PONY RYDER: What is the difference between the European and the US market? What do Europeans look for in a model, as opposed to Americans?
IRIS STRUBEGGER: Especially in New York the look for a model is more grungy than in Europe. Milan and Paris for example are more elegant and chic; Germany is a little bit more commercial.
PONY RYDER: So Iris, you are a TOPMODEL, so we all want to know what products do you use, and what are the beauty advices you know of?
IRIS STRUBEGGER: I have to confess that I don’t really have a beauty obsession.
I try to keep my skin and myself healthy with healthy food and lots of water. I love outdoor sports, like mountain biking, skiing and hiking – specially in Austria. That keeps both my body and my soul healthy. When I am traveling I do my best to relax on the airoport and on the plane. And I also fully enjoy nice hotelrooms and hot baths.
My biggest beauty secret is to be happy with my job. I never know what will happen next or when I will have the next job. It can be over tomorrow or in one month. So i try to enjoy every experience i can make.
PONY RYDER: Croatia is your favorite holiday destination? !!IRIS STRUBEGGER: Definitely true! There’s nothing better than camping in Croatia.
Interview with fashion model Iris Strubegger is original work and courtesy of Pony Ryder.
All photos used in interview with Iris Strubegger are courtesy of PLACE models.