PONY RYDER: We hear that you are one of the nicest models in the industry! You can’t be nice all the time 🙂 Do you ever get annoyed???SIRI TOLLEROD: hehe, I do..
PONY RYDER: How does that look like?SIRI TOLLEROD: I just count or sing inside or think of something else….
PONY RYDER: I mean: you Siri, are doing several shows each day! How do you rush from one show to another?SIRI TOLLEROD: I take taxis or subway, and I use my feet alot:)
PONY RYDER: Yes, but how do your organize your time during the busiest seasons?SIRI TOLLEROD: I take one thing at a time. I sometimes wish it was a few more hours to put in some more sleep, but nothing I can really do about that!
PONY RYDER: So is 24 hours enough?
SIRI TOLLEROD: hehe, So 24 hours simply needs to be enough..
PONY RYDER: Did you experience this 2009, the year of crisis, as well? Or the situation didn’t really affect you directly?SIRI TOLLEROD: The crisis hit almost everyone I suppose… I saw it mostly on budget cuts.
PONY RYDER: You did an editorial with Toni Garrn, shot by Karl Lagerfeld! Did you went to casting for that editorial or you where called directly?SIRI TOLLEROD: I didn´t go to casting, it was a direct booking.
PONY RYDER: Where was the shooting? The location looks a bit cold!SIRI TOLLEROD: We were in the north of Germany in a place called Rügen. It was last summer so it wasn´t cold as I remember… That is actually one of my favorite stories!
PONY RYDER: Yeah? As well as Toni’s. How about your favorite cover?SIRI TOLLEROD: I really love my MUSE cover shot by Hans Feurer. I think it is really beautiful and calm, but still very interesting at the same time!
PONY RYDER: Who are you best friends in fashion anyway?SIRI TOLLEROD: Charlotte De Calypso, Kasia Stuss, Sheila Marquez, and Heloise Guerin.
SIRI TOLLEROD: They are all great girls:)
PONY RYDER: Hm.. 🙂 From all of them, who would you say has the best style?SIRI TOLLEROD: Sheila Marqez
PONY RYDER: Where do you shop for your clothes? Still in H & M like you did when you where scouted?
SIRI TOLLEROD: Not anywhere particularly. I am more a person who buys it when I see it….
SIRI TOLLEROD: I have one pair by Acne that is really comfortable, and another one by Prada Sport.
PONY RYDER: What brand of eyewear do you like?
PONY RYDER: You have her music as a ring tone? What is your cell phone ring tone at the moment?SIRI TOLLEROD: haha it´s one of the tunes that were already on my blackberry!
SIRI TOLLEROD: I haven´t really been to alot of festivals, but the Quart festival is a great rock festival in my home town every summer, so I have had some nice experiences there:)
PONY RYDER: I was at the Royksopp gig this summer, and I really dig their music! How about you? What are your music choices?SIRI TOLLEROD: Röyksopp is great!!! I also love Michael Jackson, Annie Lennox, Mew, Muse etc. I like Rock music…
PONY RYDER: Really??? And what do you do to take care of the environment?SIRI TOLLEROD: I use my feet or a bike or public transortation. I recycle, do not leave water running, keep my lights off when i don´t need them, simple stuff, that we all can do!
PONY RYDER: What did you learn about beauty routine while modeling?SIRI TOLLEROD: I have always been good to take care of my skin, but after I started modeling I have become more concious about using sun block, and I never go to sleep without taking my make-up off and cleaning my face!
PONY RYDER: What products do you use for maintaining your skin?
SIRI TOLLEROD: Dermalogica, Biotherm and Bliss are my favourites!
PONY RYDER: What brand of moisturizer do you use?SIRI TOLLEROD: Embryolisse or Dermalogica
PONY RYDER: Do you use under eye cream?
SIRI TOLLEROD: I do, and right now I am using Bliss
SIRI TOLLEROD: Chanel and/or Bioderma
PONY RYDER: What is in your makeup bag?SIRI TOLLEROD: Chanel or Clinique Mascara, consealer from Guerlain, lipbalm from Elisabeth Arden and Lancomé, Dior Pouder.
PONY RYDER: How do you stay in shape? What type of sport do you do?
SIRI TOLLEROD: I walk a lot. When I´m home I love to go hiking in the mountains and I go skiing in the winter.
PONY RYDER: What products do you use for nourishing your body?SIRI TOLLEROD: I love Biotherm body lotion!
PONY RYDER: How does your breakfast look like?
SIRI TOLLEROD: Greek Youghurt with müesli and cinnamon and honey, and an apple
PONY RYDER: Is there a place where you enjoy drinking your coffee while in New York?
SIRI TOLLEROD: For coffee I like MUD in the east Village. And I am a big tea drinker! I love my tea:)
PONY RYDER: Which restaurant is your favorite?SIRI TOLLEROD: Souen! The one on 13th street! 🙂
Interview with fashion model Siri Tollerod is original work by Pony Ryder.